07842 945247
Registered Address : 17 Blackdown Road, Taunton, Somerset,TA2 8EY
Lawn Problems

White Clover
Creeping Buttercup
Greater Plantian
Poa Annua
Dwarf Thistle
The following lawn problems are most commonly seen in the UK, they are all treatable with a variety of different products.If you think that your lawn is affected by any of the disorders below then please contact Lawn Guru to discuss a treatment plan:-
Earthworms:- Have long been recognised as both pest and an aid in managing turf grass surfaces. The disadvantages have often outweighed the benefits. Benefits are that they improve soil aeration and drainage, encourage deeper rooting of grasses and enrich soil nutrient levels. However they can also have a negative effect by casting on the surface, which is visually unattractive, casting also produces a seed bed for weeds and weed seeds, smothers desirable grasses and causes organic matter (thatch) to accumulate.
Leatherjackets:- Also known commonly as Crane Flies or Daddy long-legs, are the second most common pests in the UK and cause anything from minor to very serious damage, the latter having a significantly detrimental effect on the quality of the turf grass surface. Where infestation is high, the turf can be easily dislodged as there effectively is no root binding taking place, because they will have been continually eaten by the leatherjacket grubs since the previous autumn.
Chafer Grubs:- Are the larvae of chafer beetles, they live in the soil and feed on turf roots. Symptoms may appear as yellow-coloured weak areas of grass, where the roots have been damaged. In most cases the larvae are discovered when birds or animals, begin to pull back areas of the turf looking for the grubs.
Anthracnose:- Normally ocurs during late summer following stress caused by factors such as high temperatures, low fertility, dry soil and compaction, although is also frequently seen during other periods of the year. Likely to occur under high humidity and usally attack poa annua. The main symptom is irreglar-shaped and sized patches in which leaves initially yellow then develop a reddish colour following wilting.
Fusarium Patch:- Normally occurs in the autumn, early spring during cool humid weather, although can occur at most times of the year. It is encouraged by high nitrogen fertility and thatchy poorly drained soil. The main symptom is rapidly developing circular patches of 25-50mm diameter.
Fairy Rings:- Occur all year round but most obvious in drier parts of the year. Common in thatch, sandy soils, under infrequent watering and fertilising regime. Rings or arcs of stimulated turf growth, ranging from a few centimetres to many metres in size.
Red Thread:- Can occur any time of year, in shady, poorly aerated compacted soil with a lack of nitrogen. The main symptoms are irregular patches of light brown or bleached leaves covered with distinctive 'red threads'. Pink patch lacks the characteristic 'red threads'. Instead leaves may become coated with pink mycelia growth. Whilst red thread may occur alone, if often occurs as a disease complex with pink patch. Severe outbreaks may kill the grass but generally affected turf will recover adequately.
Thatch:- All turfed areas are susceptible to excessive thatch. It can occur throughout the year, but is most rapid from October to December. Excessive thatching can be induced by compaction, over-feeding and over-watering. Physical causes of thatching may be alleviated by additional aeration and thatch removal on the areas worst affected.
Dry Patch:- Occurs when the soil in certain areas becomes hydrophobic. As a consequence the grass suffers from severe drought, even in wet weather. The result is the appearance of patches of dead grass, with the soil proving very difficult to re-wet.
Registered Address:17 Blackdown Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8EY